Apollo Payroll
Apollo Payroll is our fully web based, HMRC recognised, UK payroll application. With a detailed employee portal for "self-service" style access to download payslips and P60s and unique features such as an, effectively, unlimited number of payroll runs per pay period and, of course, FPS and EPS filing to HMRC. For further information please see the main Apollo Payroll pages.
The ERA is a suite of programs providing global recording of time, costs and billings of professional engagements, for firms with jobs or operations in multiple countries and currencies. With an intuitive, easy to use interface and powerful yet concise job reporting, the ERA makes keeping track of all aspects of your business effortless. Find out more on our main ERA page.
Examples of our bespoke work
Ordering and Invoicing "Trading" Systems
Bespoke applications to manage the creation of customer orders, works orders, purchase invoices, delivery notes, sales invoices. With the ability to track the order lifecycle through the system, linking to the stock data and producing detailed reports in PDF and/or Excel formats.
These systems can then be augmented with specialised addons for additional data processing or data input using, for example, Excel addins or standalone desktop applications.
International Cash Book
In the days before ubiquituous internet access we developed a cash book system for multiple internationally situated branches to run their own bank accounts, record their own transactions and then synchronise and reconcile across all branches. The head office branch installation would then also link in to, and transfer data to their centralised accounting system.